Growing Your organization’s

innovation capability

Innovation Leaders Club

The Innovation Leaders Club is a private, elite club that aims at establishing productive interpersonal exchanges centered on sharing knowledge, experience, and best practices to manage innovation effectively.

Innovation Leaders Club Academy

The Innovation Leaders Club Academy aims to provide complete and thorough bundles for a successful innovation implementation (or optimize/update) based on the Innovation Leaders Club members’ shared best practices and the proficiency of all the member’s knowledge.

Audax Innovation

Audax Innovation is a private, elite club that aims at establishing productive interpersonal exchanges centered on sharing knowledge, experience, and best practices to manage innovation effectivel



Do you feel overwhelmed with all your innovation projects? Learn how you could fix it.

For top management, investing in innovation is a risk of investing money on initiatives that might fail. However, implementing proper innovation project portfolio management is crucial to succeed and minimize part of the risk inherent to innovating.

Free Webconferences on Innovation Management

The Innovation Leaders Club seeks to inform, sensitize and educate its members on practices that are vital to all innovation teams. To achieve this, the 2024 program will cover one theme each month.

This visual guidebook promotes a cultural change from reactive to proactive innovation management. However, a cultural change resides in patience with coherent action over time reinforcing a desired goal. Follow this link to access our visual guidebook that will inform you on the best methods to make that change.

